
Comms & press kits

Here you'll find graphics, logos, social media files, key messages and press releases to help you promote the work of Impact Global Health and our partners. Please get in touch with us if you'd like any more resources or support to spread the word.

Smart Decisions: The 2024 G-FINDER Neglected Disease R&D report

The 2024 G-FINDER Neglected Disease R&D report was published on 29 January 2025. The launch webinar will be held on 30 January 2025. Here is the toolkit to promote the report and disseminate its findings.

Comms boilerplate text

A range of cut-and-paste messages to promote the report on your website, social media or other channels. This includes the URL link to the online report which you can share.


Press release

Press release announcing the report publication as a Word document


Announcement image

Simple image that can be used in multiple contexts to announce the availability of the report. 1024 x 768 PNG file.


Priorities MP4

A short MP4 for social media highlighting the challenges facing global health funders


Politics MP4

A short MP4 for social media highlighting the impact political shifts can have on global health


Tough choices MP4

A short MP4 for social media highlighting the tough choices faced in global health R&D


Animated insta post

Highlights from the report in an animated instagram post


LinkedIn carousel

Highlightsn from the report in a LinkedIn carousel post


Public funding

Social media image with public funding stat from the report. 1200 x 628 PNG file.


TB vaccine

Social media image with TB vaccine stat from the report. 1200 x 628 PNG file.


HIV vaccine

Social media image with HIV vaccine stat from the report. 1200 x 628 PNG file.


Climate change

Social media image with climate change message from the report. 1200 x 628 PNG file.


Tough choices

Social media image with tough choices message from the report. 1200 x 628 PNG file.


Impact Global Health: Brand Communications Kit

Here are the logos and boilerplate text for Impact Global Health, the new name and brand of Policy Cures Research. Our name was changed in October 2024.

Impact Global Health

Our main logo, black on a white background. JPEG.


All logo files

For digital use


All logomark files

Small symbol for social media use. Zipped folder.


All G-FINDER logo files

For digital use. Zipped folder.


Impact Global Health boilerplate text

Easy to cut & paste. Zipped folder.


Impact Global Health 'About Us'

Easy to cut & paste. Word document.


October 2024 press release

Announcing launch of our new brand, easy to cut & paste. Word document.


Impact of Global Health R&D: Communications Kit

Here are the key messages, guide to the report, powerpoint of all figures, and press release of our milestone report on the return on investment in global health R&D, released 28 May 2024.

Read our handy report guide

To get an overview of the project, key findings, methodology and tools developed. PDF.


Key messages

From the report, easy to cut & paste. Word document.


Download all the figures from the report

One per slide, to use in your presentations. PPT.


FAQs about the report.

Word document.

Communications and media enquiries

Email us on

Call or whatsapp on +44 (0)7799 658 182

Harriet Bell

Harriet Bell

Director of Communications

Emmanuelle Bomo

Emmanuelle Bomo

Communications Lead