Bachelor of Medicine; Medical Doctor; and Masters of Global Health and Infectious Disease Intelligence (working toward)
Benny graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Udayana University followed with 2 years of clinical rotation giving him Medical Doctor qualification with license to practice in Indonesia. He has a strong scientific background. He was active as a student researcher focusing on diabetes epidemiology.
Benny began his scientific research career as a research assistant investigating implementation of HIV prevention strategies in Indonesia, including partner notifications and feasibility study for a PrEP implementation trial. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he was heavily involved in research projects informing Indonesian policymakers on impacts of the pandemic toward HIV key population as well as investigating COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Upon moving to Australia, he has also been involved in research projects on palliative care workforce development.
Benny is currently working toward a master’s degree in Global Health and Infectious Disease Intelligence at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. He is driven by a passion to inform better health policies through application of social science principles. As part of his master’s program, he is currently working on a research project at the Kirby Institute, UNSW focusing on PrEP acceptance cascade among MSM and TGW in Asian and Australian countries/territories.