
Sharon Winks


Bachelor of Economics and Commerce, Australian National University, Masters of Business Administration, University of New England and Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).


Sharon is a highly experienced and successful executive consultant and Not for Profit (NFP) board Director with a career spanning over thirty years in both the public and private sectors. She has been the Chair and member of various NFP boards at a local and national level for nearly 20 years and currently facilitates the Company Director Course and presents webinars for the AICD. She has also worked in South East Asia with the World Bank and UNDP.

Sharon’s governance consulting career includes providing mentoring services, developing and reviewing governance structures and key documentation, strengthening board capability and strategic planning, developing risk appetite statements and strengthening board reporting.

Sharon is passionate about, and committed to, the invaluable work of the NFP sector through sound governance that facilitates the effective delivery on the vision of the NFP and achieves sustainable community outcomes.

Sharon Winks photo