Research & Development Landscape for Maternal Iron Deficiency Anaemia Medicines (2000-2023)

By Policy Cures Research (now Impact Global Health) 1 January 2024

20 min read
Maternal HealthMaternal iron deficiency anaemiaDrugsBiologics

An age-old problem with a need for renewed attention

The impacts of anaemia during pregnancy on maternal and neonatal outcomes are well-documented: anaemia is a risk factor for low birth weight, preterm birth, postpartum haemorrhage, and maternal, perinatal and neonatal mortality. However, despite concerted sector-wide efforts to address maternal anaemia and the efficacy of iron therapy, the burden of disease continues to be high. According to the WHO, 37% of pregnant women continue to be affected by anaemia. In a 2018 study, researchers estimated that severe anaemia during pregnancy or the postpartum period doubled the risk of maternal death.

A disconnect between the availability of effective iron products and realised improvements in maternal iron deficiency anaemia

This report covers insights into the R&D landscape for maternal iron deficiency anaemia medicines. In total, 70 medicines were identified as in use or investigated for maternal iron deficiency anaemia between 2000 and 2023. Just over half of the medicines were already approved for use during pregnancy (38 products, 54%), with the remaining 32 (46%) in development. Of the 38 approved products to treat maternal iron deficiency anaemia, 34 products are different formulations of iron. Yet the analysis finds a disconnect between the availability of effective iron products and any realised improvements in maternal iron deficiency anaemia globally.

PDF of the report